The importance of occupational safety, health, environment and quality
OSH or as it is commonly known as the workplace safety, health, environment and quality (WHS) or occupational safety, health, environment and quality (OHS) was enacted to help all employers and their workers decrease job accidents, injuries, medical illnesses and death.
Every business has safety risks. Occupational safety deals with all aspects of physical, mental and social safety, health, environment and quality in a workplace. It is the umbrella for company's efforts to prevent injuries and hazards in all work environments. Every industry presents various kinds of safety hazards to its employees.
The purpose of the occupational safety, health, environment and quality
The main purpose of the OSH legislation is to protect workers from safety, health, environment and quality hazards on the job. It sets out duties for all workplace parties and rights for workers. It establishes procedures for dealing with workplace hazards and provides for enforcement of the law where compliance has not been achieved voluntarily.
The need for occupational safety, health, environment and quality
Employers have a moral and often legal responsibility to protect workers. ... Effective workplace safety, health, environment and quality programmes can help to save the lives of workers by reducing hazards and their consequences.
Hazard, risk, aspect and/or impact
A hazard is something that can cause harm, e.g. electricity, chemicals, working up a ladder, noise, a keyboard, a bully at work, stress, etc. A risk is the chance, high or low, that any hazard will actually cause somebody harm. For example, working alone away from your office can be a hazard.